
Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel

University of Edinburgh

My nme is Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel and my pronouns are she/her. I am a Senior Lecturer of Statistics and Data Science in the School of Mathematics. My work focuses on innovation in statistics and data science pedagogy, with an emphasis on computing, reproducible research, student-centered learning, and open-source education as well as pedagogical approaches for enhancing retention of women and under-represented minorities in STEM. I work on integrating computation into the undergraduate statistics curriculum, using reproducible research methodologies and analysis of real and complex datasets. I also organize ASA DataFest, an annual two-day competition in which teams of undergraduate students work to reveal insights into a rich and complex data set. Mine works on the OpenIntro project, whose mission is to make educational products that are free, transparent, and lower barriers to education. As part of this project I co-authored three open-source introductory statistics textbooks. I am also the creator and maintainer of datasciencebox.org and I teaches the popular Statistics with R MOOC on Coursera. This is the second year I’m teaching Introduction to Data Science at University of Edinburgh, click here if you’d like to see the Fall 2019 version of this course.